How I Discovered Two RXSS Bugs on Two Microsoft Subdomains

Sawrav Chowdhury
3 min readMay 22, 2024


In this article, I am going to cover two RXSS[1] bugs that I found on two different Microsoft subdomains. A few weeks ago, while browsing the subdomain, I discovered that the “fallbackUrl=” parameter was vulnerable to open redirect. As usual, I tried to escalate this to RXSS. After trying several payloads, I finally found an encoded payload that successfully escalated this Open redirect to RXSS.

Payload: java%0d%0ascript%0d%0a:alert(document.domain)

Vulnerable endpoint:


◘ 14th March 2024Report Submitted through MSRC Portal

◘ 14th March 2024 — MSRC team confirmed and opened a case for this issue

◘ 3rd May 2024 — MSRC team changed the status Develop to Pre-Release

◘ 3rd May 2024— MSRC team changed the status Pre-Release to Complete.

POC Video:

The second bug is on a regional site at the subdomain. Last year, while browsing this website, I discovered a Self-XSS bug on their second search bar on the download page. To explore further, I accessed the website’s archived links using Archivefinder[2] and discovered another search parameter (q). I tested this parameter using different payloads and various encodings, but all the payloads were sanitized. Continuing my investigation, I attempted to test some payloads on the same parameter on one of their regional sites using different encodings, but all attempts failed. Finally, I experimented with a double URL-encoded payload on that regional website, which successfully executed a RXSS bug. Below are the steps I took to identify this vulnerability:

Payload: %253CsCrIpt%253Ealert(document.domain)%253C%252FScRipt%253E%250A

This year, I bypassed the previous fix again by using the double-encoded payload below.


Vulnerable endpoint:


◘ 2nd March 2023Report Submitted through MSRC Portal

◘ 2nd March 2023 — MSRC team confirmed and opened a case for this issue

◘ 10th March 2023 — MSRC team changed the status Review / Repro to Develop

◘ 15th March 2023 — MSRC team changed the status Develop to Fix.

◘ 4th March 2024Fix Bypass Report Submitted through MSRC Portal

◘ 3rd April 2024 — MSRC team confirmed and opened a case for this issue

◘ 25th April 2024 — MSRC team changed the status Review / Repro to Develop

◘ 25th April 2024 — MSRC team changed the status Develop to Complete.

POC Video:





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